CAN VITAMIN A BE USED SAFELY IN SUMMER? We’ve all heard the rumours that vitamin…

CAN VITAMIN A BE USED SAFELY IN SUMMER? We’ve all heard the rumours that vitamin...

CAN VITAMIN A BE USED SAFELY IN SUMMER? We’ve all heard the rumours that vitamin A use should be halted during the summer months. But is it true? In reality, it is completely safe to continue using vitamin A throughout the hotter months, as long as you’re using it carefully…

The key to using vitamin A safely in the summer is sunscreen. Lots and lots of sunscreen. Think of vitamin A and sunscreen as best friends. Make sure to use at least a quarter teaspoon for your whole face and reapply liberally throughout the day if you are in direct sunlight ☀️

Thankfully, the enhanced sun sensitivity and thinning of the skin is only a temporary side effect of vitamin A use. In fact, over time, vitamin A actually thickens your skin structure and enhances your natural protection. But sunscreen must always be used alongside vitamin A.

We just saved you from missing out on 3 months of vitamin A goodness!

Photo credit 📸 @joyinmyskin – Crystal Retinal 6
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